To wrap up 2018, we took a look back at the year’s most popular blog posts. Not surprisingly, they reflect some major themes that emerged during the year – rising Treasury yields, volatility and US politics.
In case you missed them, here are five of our favorites, listed in order of popularity:
In June, Senior Investment Analyst Daniel Conklin explained why the rise in Treasury yields was very normal in the context of history.
In April, Senior Strategist Maura Murphy identified three strategies to help investors navigate higher volatility.
Chief Economist Brian Horrigan published his base-case scenario ahead of the US midterm elections in November. The base case call was right, and we are watching to see how the implications play out.
In early February, the VIX[i] rose almost 300%, triggering a chain reaction that caused problems for investors who had been betting against volatility. Senior Investment Analyst and Derivatives Strategist Scott Darci broke down the concepts behind the chain reaction.
In September, Product Manager Cheryl Stober highlighted the basics of senior loans and how they can help an investment portfolio. With senior loans recently under pressure, this post could be worth another look.
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[i] The Cboe Volatility Index® (VIX® Index) is a measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500® Index stock index option prices.
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