
Global GDP Themes and Forecasts

At this point in the third quarter of 2024, the global economy continues to expand; however, the..

Emerging Market Corporate Opportunity Set: Favorable Ratings Trend Persists into 2024

In 2023, the cloud of headline risks swirling around emerging market (EM) corporates (COVID,..

Is it Time to Pick Up Chinese Equities?

A flurry of negative economic and geopolitical headlines have battered Chinese equities over the..

Is the Soft Landing Doomed?

Feeling a little queasy after this week’s volatility? You’re not alone. On Monday, 5 August, equity..

Credit Compass: Mapping the Markets as Conditions Evolve

By Loomis Sayles Research August 5, 2024

The disinflation trend has continued, and a shift to easier monetary policy appears to be underway...

Positive Momentum in Corporate Health Has Throttled Back

Our latest analysis of corporate health highlights a modest divergence between the positive..



About the Authors

Loomis Sayles analysts are career professionals who offer deep knowledge and experience in a diversity of global asset classes and market sectors. These dedicated experts provide the insight essential to supporting our portfolio management teams across a wide range of investment strategies.

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