
Cracks Appearing in Five Highly Leveraged Economies

By Aimee Kaye, Sovereign Analyst February 27, 2018

Cracks are starting to appear in five highly leveraged economies: Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden..

China’s Bond Markets – Two Reasons Why the Year of the Dog Might Have Some Bite

By Hank Lynch, CFA, Global Strategist February 16, 2018

The Year of the Dog may not be known for being the most auspicious, but for China’s local,..

Global Growth Themes and Forecasts (Infographic)

We expect a constructive global growth environment to persist into 2018. While there is potential..

How the Spike in Volatility Punctured the "Short Vol" Trade

For many investors, it’s pretty unsettling to hear that the market’s “fear gauge” is suddenly on a..

Volatility Returns in a Big Way: Our Reaction

Volatility returned in a big way earlier this week. Over the past few trading sessions, equity..

2018 Sector Teams' Outlook: Emerging Market Credit, Local Debt and Currencies

We expect a continuation of the positive emerging market (EM) trends in 2018, albeit with possibly..



About the Authors

Loomis Sayles analysts are career professionals who offer deep knowledge and experience in a diversity of global asset classes and market sectors. These dedicated experts provide the insight essential to supporting our portfolio management teams across a wide range of investment strategies.

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