
State Governments Face Diverging Outcomes in a Downturn

State governments tend to boast strong creditworthiness. They have a multitude of revenue streams,..

Municipals & Climate Change Series: Drought & Extreme Temperatures

Municipal bond issuers are often linked to tangible, physical assets directly exposed to the..

Reading the Housing Sector: The Good, the Bad and the Surprising

By Loomis Sayles Research July 18, 2022

Escalating inflation and tighter monetary policy appear to have shaken investors’ confidence in the..

2022 Investment Grade Credit Outlook: Views on Risk Appetite, Rising Stars and Trends

1. With market volatility on the rise, how concerned are you about the potential for spreads to..

ESG Engagement Series: Transportation & Infrastructure Company

By Loomis Sayles Credit Research December 17, 2021

1. What was the main objective of your engagement with this issuer?



About the Authors

Loomis Sayles analysts are career professionals who offer deep knowledge and experience in a diversity of global asset classes and market sectors. These dedicated experts provide the insight essential to supporting our portfolio management teams across a wide range of investment strategies.

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